Jul 5, 2011

The Summer Belongs to the Grand Woods Lounge

Starfarm at the Woods
As much as I feel like I'm the oldest guy in the place, nothing beats the outdoor bar at the Grand Woods Lounge in Grand Rapids. Whether it is the amazing killer 80's cover band, Starfarm, or the mash-mixing of DJ Danimal, the summer late night scene belongs to the Woods.  If the weather is beautiful, you can be assured that GR's most alluring personalities will be hanging out at this joint just southwest of the Van Andel Arena. Thirsty? Order the pail of delicious bar concoctions for your gang and be ready to rock and roll all night. 


Anonymous said...

The Woods sucks.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous above, can you then guarantee us you won't EVER go there again? If so, GOOD!

Anonymous said...

The Woods is just a dirty ass meat market, perfect if you are looking to hook up with a herpes encrusted cougar that they seem to enjoy pandering to. There are much better places in GR to spend your money at!

My Hotel Life said...

Anonymous 3,

Dude, Chill out. Just say you don't like the place. No need to be insulting especially if you won't reveal your name. Your comment makes you sound like:

a. A fired employee
b. Someone who was kicked out for being drunk or for abusing one of the girls.
c. Been turned down too many times at The Woods.

So, take it easy on the nasty comments and just say you don't like it for credible reasons. Saying it's herpes encrusted means you got herpes from someone you picked up. Is that what happened?

By the way, thanks for reading my blog.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 3,

Tell your mom to quit going to the Woods. She's nasty and too crusty. Plus she needs to shave...

Anonymous said...

The Woods is a great time! Great food & libations! Awesome staff, atmosphere & crowd! Great entertainment on Friday's & the local DJ's on Saturdays are phenomenal! The Xmas in July Party scheduled on the 23rd is going to be bananas!

The negative comments sound like a d-bag guy who got kicked out, can't talk to chicks or maybe even a bitter fat chick that kicks rocks in the corner all night haha!

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Dude, Chill out. Just say you don't like the place. No need to be insulting especially if you won't reveal your name. Your comment makes you sound like:
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